How do I use my Gift Voucher?
If you have purchased a gift voucher, you will have received an email with your unique voucher code and voucher balance.
If you have purchased a gift voucher for someone else, simply forward this email to the intended recipient to use.
Please note, gift vouchers are only valid for a specific organiser’s events. This is stated in the email you receive.
To purchase a ticket and use your Gift Voucher, please find the relevant event page on Citizen Ticket. You can do this via our “Search” bar on our homepage.
Once on the event page, choose the tickets you would like to purchase by changing the arrows to adjust the quantity. Once you have selected all your tickets, click “Buy Tickets.”
At the basket stage, you will see an option to enter your gift voucher code.
Please copy the gift voucher code directly from the email you received. Highlight the code in your email, right click then click “Copy”
Paste the gift voucher code into the box titled “Discount or Voucher Code?” and press “Apply.”
Your order summary will update automatically with your new price breakdown and new total left to pay:
You can continue through to payment and reserve your tickets.
NOTE: If you do not see the “Discount or Voucher Code?” box, do not worry, you will see a blue line above your Subtotal which says “Edit basket or add a discount code”. When you click there the box for your discount code will appear.
You will see a dialogue box informing you that by editing your basket, you could lose your reserved tickets. Click "Yes, I’m sure" if you want to add your Gift Voucher code.
Complete steps 6, 7 and 8 to apply your gift voucher code to your basket.
If you have any issues with your gift voucher code, please contact [email protected] and let them know which event you are attending and which gift voucher code you are trying to use.