Discount Codes - How do I create a Discount Code for my Event?

  1. Click on the “Multi Event Tools” button on the left hand panel.

  2. Click “Discount Codes”.

  3. Click the blue box “Add a Discount Code”.

  4. Choose the name of your Campaign e.g  “Summer Sale” if you are generating a discount for the end of the summer season.

  5. Click Allow Citizen Ticket to access this discount code to help promote your event if this interests you, otherwise leave it unticked.

  6. Name your Discount Code e.g. Summer15% - The code in our video example is SUMMER15.

  7. Click the Blue Plus Icon to add another discount code to your campaign. 

  8. Click the Red Bin Icon to delete a code.

  9. The Events which are live on your Profile will appear. Click on the one you want and it will highlight in blue. 

  10. Select the date and time slots you wish to apply the discount to.

  11. You can tick the box “Select for all events” if you wish to apply the discount to all of your events.

  12. Choose if you want to discount by a fixed amount (e.g “£5”) or a percentage (e.g. 10%).

  13. Apply your discount to the ticket type(s).

  14. Choose whether to set a limit on the number of discounts you want to release in total, per event or per time slot. Leave the box blank if you want the discount to be used an unlimited amount of times.

  15. If you want an expiration date or to limit the usage, input your chosen date and time. Otherwise, check the box “Codes don’t expire” so the discount never expires or has unlimited usage.

  16. Once your discount code is saved, you will be able to view the details of the discount code (i.e. code, expiry date etc.).

    1. The pencil icon allows you to edit the discount at any step for example I changed the Discount Code reference

    2. The bin icon allows you to delete a discount Campaign - A dialog box will ask you if you are sure.

    3. The copy icon allows you to clone a discount.

    4. The paperclip icon allows you to generate a shareable link. To generate a shareable link, select the event and the discount code you wish to share. You can share the link by clicking “Copy Link” and copying the URL to your web browser’s address bar.

  17. If you have multiple discount codes, you can use the Search bar at the top to search for a specific discount code.

  18. The pagination will show you 10, 25, 50 or All of your discounts in one page.