Customer Lookup

View customer purchases, resend ticket wallet, add notes, return / and or refund ticket(s), exchange tickets and view exchanges.

  1. Click on "Customers" in the left hand menu.

    1. In the search bar you can use the following tags:

      1. Customer

        1. Name (Type Name)

        2. First Name (Type Name)

        3. Last Name (Type Name)

        4. Full Name (Type Name)

      2. Email

        1. Is

        2. Starts With

        3. Ends With

      3. Event 

        1. Is (Then Select Event from pre populated list)

        2. Is not one of (Then Select Event from pre populated list)

      4. Purchase

        1. Before (dd/mm/yyyy)

        2. After (dd/mm/yyyy)

        3. On (dd/mm/yyyy)

  2. Press Enter or Click the blue “Search” button. 

  3. The customer with that name will appear in the list

  4. Click the blue “View” button

  5. Note: The last customers checked will appear in the list

  6. The next screen will present you with two tabs on the left hand side of the screen:

    1. Overview

    2. Purchases

  7. Overview: 

    1. You will see the customers date of birth, phone number, location, gender and email address. The customer is not obliged to fill out all of this information

    2. On the right hand side, there are two more features:

      1. Resend Ticket Wallet: Click here to resend the ticket wallet to the customer. When re-sent, a green banner will appear to say it has been sent.

      2. Notes: Leave a note about your customer then click Add Note. If ticked as “Important Note”, the box will be red. If unticked, it will be grey. You can delete the note by clicking the red bin icon. When a note is added you will see a green banner to say note created. If you want to delete the note, you will be asked to confirm this action first.

    3. Purchases:

      1. Under this tab, you will see an up to date list of your customers purchase history for your events.

      2. You can see the following details here:

        1. Event: The event name

        2. Ticket Type: Which Ticket type they bought e.g Child / Adult

        3. Sale / Date / Time: Sales Reference - This is the specific Order ID and is very useful for Citizen Ticket Staff

          1. By Clicking on the blue Sales Reference, the order purchase will open up more information such as:

            1. Purchase: e.g Website Purchase or Box office 

              1. You can see your earnings for this purchase here

            2. Customer Info

            3. Tickets: Return & Refund

              1. The tab you will be redirected to for refunding or returning a ticket(s)

            4. Tickets: Exchange: 

              1. The tab you will be redirected to to exchange dates / time slots for your customer

        4. Price: Price paid by the customer

        5. Status:

          1. Active: Ticket currently active in customers wallet

          2. Refunded: Ticket has been refunded 

          3. Returned: Ticket has been returned to allocation only

          4. Transferred: Customer has transferred the ticket to someone else

        6. Actions Button

          1. You can use this button to show a drop down:

            1. Refund: Will redirect you to the refund tab

            2. Exchange: Will redirect you to the Exchanges tab

  8. Returning to Allocation 

    1. On the Action button, select Refund in the dropdown.

    2. You will be redirected to the Tickets: Return & Refund tab.

    3. Select the checkboxes next to the tickets you wish to carry out the action on and select the “Return to allocation“ checkbox at the bottom of the table. Click Process. This will return the ticket back to allocation for resale.

  9. Returning to Allocation & Refunding

    1. On the Action button, select Refund in the dropdown.

    2. You will be redirected to the Tickets: Return & Refund tab.

    3. Select the checkboxes next to the tickets you wish to carry out the action on and select the  “Return to allocation“ and “Refund” checkboxes at the bottom of the table. 

  10. When you’re satisfied with your selection click “Process”. 

  11. The returned tickets will be added back to the total capacity of the event and if refunded, the tickets will be added to the refund pending queue (processed by our finance team). 

  12. If you have only returned a ticket and still wish to refund it, please select the ticket > refund and process it.

  13. Exchanges

    1. If your event has other dates / time slots you can exchange the ticket for your customer via this tab.

    2. On the Action button, select Exchanges in the dropdown.

    3. The Tickets: Exchange Tab will appear next with a list of “Exchangeable tickets” in the sale.

    4. Click the blue button “Find Eligible Dates”

    5. Click the preferred date you want to exchange the ticket into

    6. Use the numbers arrow to select how many tickets you want to exchange

    7. If there are not enough tickets in the sale, you will see:

      1. You don't have enough exchangeable tickets for the selection made

    8. Click Exchange Tickets - the next page will update and let you know if the tickets have been successfully changed. When exchanged, a new wallet will automatically be sent to the customer.

  14.  View Exchanges

    1. This tab allows you to view if a customer has exchanged their ticket from one date to another. 

    2. Here you can view the original date / time they had a ticket for, the date and time that they changed the ticket and also the new date / time that the customer has chosen.

  15. Ticket Answers

    1. Here you can view the customers answers to ticket questions 

  16. Transfers

    1. Incoming Transfers

      1. Here you can see if someone is the recipient of a transferred ticket and the status of the transfer.

    2. Outgoing Transfers

      1. Here you can see if someone has transferred a ticket to someone else and its status.

  17. Waivers

    1. Here you can see any waivers that have been completed by the customer

Note: You cannot use this method to refund tickets automatically that have been issued via the payments methods; complimentary, cash or card terminal. 

Important Note: When a Sales Reference has x 2 or more tickets on it and you carry out an action on one ticket, the Sales Reference will split out into two or more lines on the Purchases List so that the status per ticket is clear.