Sales & Revenue - How do I view my ticket sales?

  1. Click on the “Events” button on the left hand panel.

  2. Click on the event you would like to check the ticket sales of.

  3. On the left hand menu, click “Income & Sales”.

  4. Click the "Sales & Revenue" tile.

  5. From here you can view:

    1. The customer’s date/time of purchase

    2. Customer’s Name

    3. No. of Tickets Purchased

    4. Purchase outlet (Website/Comp’d)    

    5. The payment type (Card/Cash)

    6. Payment code    

    7. No.  tickets refunded

    8. Any requests on the purchase (i.e. food options, accessibility assistance).    

    9. No. tickets returned    

    10. Tickets purchased over a particular time period i.e month of January.

  6. The panel underneath the customer purchase information allows you to view the following totals of your event;

    1. Tickets sold

    2. Tickets Comp’d

    3. Tickets Returned

    4. Tickets Total

    5. Income

    6. Refunds

    7. Website Income

    8. Box Office Card Income

Sales & Revenue Export - Filter by Time Period

Ever wanted to see all the new sales for last week over all of your current events, or all the event dates for an event?

  1. Toggle on "Sales & Revenue" export, then select the event(s) you want to know the income for. Select your date range - and the export will show just the sales made during that time period.

  2.  Export multiple, specific time-slots, via the multi-date mode on the calendar.

How to retrieve email addresses for an event

Option 1: Individual customer email address

If you only require the email address of one customer, there are two options outlined below:

Customer Lookup

  1. On the left hand panel, click Customers.

  2. Type the first and last name of the customer.

  3. Click Search.

  4. Customers with that name will appear as well as their email address.

  5. You can also click “View” for a customer overview including their email address.

Sales & Revenue

  1. Click the Event Dashboard.

  2. Click the Sales & Revenue Tile.

  3. Find the name of the customer you want (Try CTRL F).

  4. Beside the name of the customer, click View on the right hand side.

  5. Four tabs will appear (Purchase / Customer Info/ Items / Ticket: Exchange).

  6. Click the tab called Customer Info and you will see the email address of the customer.

Option 2: All email addresses for an event

If you require a list of all the email addresses for an event please follow these steps:

  1. Click the Event Dashboard

  2. Click the Sales & Revenue Tile

  3. Click Export on the top right

  4. Read the GDPR Terms & Conditions

  5. If agreeing to the T&C’s, proceed to download the CSV file

  6. All email addresses will appear on the file.